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25.10.2019 11:41
effect on the earth's Antworten

In the face of the deterioration of the natural climate, people began to protect the earth's homeland from daily behaviors - starting a low-carbon life. Hey...", with a crisp ringtone, a sleepy eye, and a hopeful morning shot into the window--a new day begins again! The morning wash is as usual, but the water used to wash your teeth is used. Less, just to save water; carry a schoolbag, go downstairs, get into the car and send it to school, their car is no longer a refueling car, but an environmentally friendly refueling car Newport Cigarettes Coupons, can reduce carbon emissions Entering the school gate, the laughter is still the same, the high-powered electrical equipment such as air conditioners have been idle for a long time Carton Of Cigarettes, replaced by high-tech solar heating equipment, even the electricity used for electric lights is also used for wind power. After school, the school is very Noisy. The previous snack stalls no longer exist, because the students have returned to their homes in order to protect the environment, and quickly finished their homework. Like other students, in order not to stay up late, less lights are used to save electricity. The kind of spring that replaces the battery, because the production process produces a lot of carbon, the used battery also has a great destructive effect on the earth's soil composition. When the alcohol used in stewed meat is burned with bio-alcohol made from raw materials such as wheat straw, the TV sets are also concentrated together Cigarettes For Sale, sometimes there are differences due to the preferences of the channel, but in order to save electricity, the balls, the flowers of our motherland are The only hope is to make your mottled face shine again. There is no more tsunami earthquake that swallows human beings. The air can be refreshed, the sky can be blue, and the earth can be greened to form a harmonious unity between man and nature.
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