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18.11.2019 04:28
Merry Christmas! Antworten

Merry Christmas! I know that you only have one person now, but you have to know, Loneliness is also a kind of setback. It is an indispensable condiment on the dishes of life. Everyone needs to taste. Life needs to be alone and hone!" "I know, Mom, I understand that you are missing me too. Lonely, but our hearts are always connected together, because we are a family night, still so quiet, the snow outside the window is still flying at the moment, I feel no longer lonely and sad, because I have relatives Friends, classmates, have their blessings and care, accompanied by their deep love, will I be alone? So, I walked out and wanted to have a warm hug with the winter night tonight [4th Article] [Father loves the spring to stand up, open the curtains, look into the distance, the black night is once again shrouded in our quiet town. In this quiet night, maybe I am in this town, still open The little boy who is eager to write a book. Yes, the teacher said that the second day is the most crucial year in junior high school, and the task of learning is naturally more serious than in the first day. The father is still not sleeping, as always. I am accompanying my homework, although sometimes I often complain about him, I don��t have to accompany it, I don��t need to read it. I can savor it and find that his actions are quite reasonable. My father is a person who knows that only reading can be done. Unlike his generation, he lived hard and tired. No wonder his father poured all his love and hope into me. As I grew up, I began to understand his difficulties. Sometimes I can��t wait for it. There are usually three heads and six arms, so I can finish the study task well so that he can rest a little earlier. Unfortunately, it may be that I am not talented, and I have a wooden mind bag. Not only can I not catch up with my companion, but I have to do it every time. At this time, my father will always be around me and help me to do this. Heat the towel; hungry for the snack. Then, I will sit quietly next to me and check it out. My homework, or a look at my textbook night, is still so quiet. The lights are even brighter and brighter. This situation makes me understand that I am no longer the carefree childishness of the whole day. The boy who has not taken off, and the father has already entered middle age, the two began to appear white... I suddenly felt: the warmth of the father-like love is always in my study, filling in every quiet night, Warm in my heart room, looking at the tired father who was exhausted, suddenly found that ordinary, in my heart is such an important, seems to be irreplaceable, what he did for me is Ordinary pass trivial things, but in my heart, it is so noble and stalwart... Yes, with fatherly companionship, I always feel warm as spring Marlboro Cigarettes, I am the father's all-love and hope. This moment I How warm and comfortable is the heart! Family composition essay 600 words [5th article] [Keep the warmth in the alley] "..." The footsteps in the alley Marlboro Gold, crisp and far-reaching footsteps, always Resounding in my childhood memories, good warmth and warmth Lane is the only way for a child to school daily. The alleys were twisted and twisted, and the two sides were brick-walled low walls. The years left a broken mark on the wall Marlboro Lights, and the mottled stone gaps covered with dense moss. Into the alley, the top of the head is a light blue sky, the foot is a pitted road, the sun sets, behind it is a long shadow. When I was a child, I was as timid as a mouse. Even during the day, I walked into the narrow alley and felt that it was all over the place. So, every day I picked up my school and went to school, it became a must-do for my grandmother. In the morning, my grandmother took my hand and walked into the deep alley. The quietness around it makes people feel a little uneasy. I hold my grandmother's palm tightly and try to find a point. Grandma still walked deep into the alley. The quiet alley, often echoing the grandmother's footsteps in the evening, the setting sun is slanting, the alley is again surrounded by the darkness, standing in the alley, only a gray. "Grandma, you carry me!" Grandma looked at the frightened face of my childish face and squatted. Grandma��s back is really warm, and the body trembles with the footsteps, but it seems like a comfortable cradle. With the rhythmic footsteps, I will enter a sweet dream... As I grow older, I dare I went in and out of the alley alone, but my grandmother, who loves me, still insisted on picking me up the alley. The alley after the rain was covered with mud and added its gloom. When I got to the alley, my grandmother suddenly said, "Come, I am carrying you." Grandma showed a simple smile. I suddenly remembered that many years ago, my grandmother had a warm back, so she used to gently lie on her back. Grandma held the ground with her hand and then stood up and stood up. But the snoring of the past disappeared, and the mud was covered with her shoes. ." and the shoes of muddy water played the most beautiful music in the world I think. Grandma beat the beats deep and shallow, her back is no longer as strong as before, and the roots of the back of the spine are constantly striking my face. When the grandmother's back became so rugged! At the end of the alley, Grandma slowly squatted down: "Dongdong, come down!" When I climbed down from my grandmother's back, I found out that my grandmother's beige collar stayed. The next dark water mark. "How? The neck is cool." "Oh, yes... maybe it��s raining again." I said. But I know in my heart that it is the tears of my knees that have passed for many years, and my grandmother has already been unable to move me. But I still clearly remember the warm and distant footsteps in the alley
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