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12.08.2019 08:59
At dinner time, Antworten

At dinner time, the air has been sultry to the extreme, and the fan is adjusted to the maximum. It doesn't help. The hot weather in more than ten days and the anxiety caused by many exams are on the verge of collapse. There are too many things that I want to do. I was on the ground, I wanted to prevent the school from delaying these things, but I was afraid of the cuts that I had to face. I wanted to give up and I couldn��t give up, and my heart was blocked. At this time, I was really screaming at the playground and spilling all these troubles. The impulsive sky was divided into two pieces, the far side was lead-gray, and there was a white fish on the top of the head that was still struggling. The leaves were screamed by the whistling wind, and the girl on the road focused her attention on the short skirt that she was about to be overturned. The speed of eating or watering was accelerated, and she was afraid of being dropped at any time. The raindrops smashed, and the clothes that were drying were taken back by the owner's hands. In a few minutes, the piece of lead ash slowly immersed, and little by little, still struggling to escape from the white side. Finally, I touched it, immersed in it, dyed it, the color in the distance is thicker, the clouds are thicker, and it becomes a panic black, like the end of the world, or like a disaster, but it is eroded by it. From white to gray, and deeper, the whole sky can not see a little white. The electric lights in the dormitory light up early when they shouldn't be bright, and they gave a sigh of relief to the people walking on the road. The rain did not go down, the heat still did not disappear, and people looked up and accelerated. The wind rolled up one or two white rubbish, hovered in the air for a while, then fell down arrogantly, and screamed away screamingly. The wind was shaped like a whirlpool. At this point, the color of the clouds is evenly mixed, but the edge part is left with a trace of jaggedness caused by tearing. Perhaps the trunk of the broken waist somewhere is enduring the same horrible pain finally, this rain does not give any The process of adapting slowly poured directly into the air, sandwiching the dust in the air. From the place where the black pressure was pressed, it was exaggerated to all corners of the ground and the creatures that could not escape. The unprotected flowers allowed it to squat, no Pedestrians with umbrellas rushed, but they did not care about themselves. The momentum was too strong, and the wind did not weaken. The things from the sky twisted and slid down the ladder, too crowded, so they gasped in the air and suspended in the air. The roof blocked them, and they smacked their anger on them. Later, they slammed hard and splashed the water. When they first arrived, they rushed out of the obstacle and continued down, falling from the eaves. The rain and the haze are lingering, and there is some chaos between the heavens and the earth. It is gray and gray, which makes people feel a sense of uneasiness. Suddenly, a lightning bolt is passed through. The heart feels a lot of Mingtang Marlboro Gold. Unfortunately, this darkness is bright and dark, and the feeling of openness is low. Down, followed by the thunder of the ear, shocked the small heart to jump. One wave was not flat, and the other wave started again. It gradually adapted to the wind and thunder and lightning. Instead, I felt that this was actually my own cry. Maybe, thank you for this rain. These days, the dry air has already caused people to suffocate, and the poor breeze is completely warmed up Wholesale Cigarettes. There is nowhere to be boring. The busy trivia will only make people step by step, unable to turn new ideas, but unable to resist. I have a dream of my own love, but I am always bound. We don't seem to live for ourselves. The scams are at the time and place specified by others. There is no soul, just a corpse, just meat, walking. And the rain washed away the heavens and the earth, and when it was finished, the sky was bright, and everything in the world was also dripping, with the water droplets that just showered, and the luster of the luster, the grass that shook his head had a life Cigarettes Online. The color is bright and bright, and it seems to have hope again. The air is filled with damp air, and I can't help but take a breath, fresh and cool, and my heart is much more comfortable. Perhaps it was the whistling of the storm, shouting for me, helping me hysterically vent my anger, smashing the mess in my heart, straightening out the disordered thoughts, and being more determined about my goals. In fact, this should have been the case. In the rainy days, let the old dust of the soul rush, clean, and there will be no distracting thoughts; in the days of sunshine, let the green moss in the heart simmer and peel off, it will not be heavy. Learn to buck yourself, no matter what way, it will be effective. Occasionally learn this wild storm, when the eruption bursts out, shouting, crazy, maybe, will change those sluggish flowers and plants
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